The Impact of the Digital Divide

Ryan Young
2 min readMay 16, 2021

The digital divide in our world today plays a bigger role than most would realize. Those who are impacted are simply lacking in our society. Nowadays, the only way to get fully educated is through technology. Our modern world has transferred from writing letters- to writing emails.

Overall, the biggest issue that the digital divide creates is the lack of opportunity for others. Simply put, lack of connectivity leads to poverty. There are situations where children are forced to steal WIFI from places because they simply are not able to complete their school work. What surprised me about this issue is that no one doing anything about it. Simply those who can’t afford technology are able to use it, but this puts everyone who are poor at a severe disadvantage.

The only way that we can resolve this issue is if big companies take the initiative to provide their services to areas that don’t usually have them. WIFI being a service that is extremely necessary for the growth of our society. The government and other institutions should also provide access to free computer labs for students to access. This new generation is filled with social media and internet access, the ability to be able to access these will better our society

The divide has been under a microscope especially because of the pandemic. The livelihood and education of people is heavily impacted. Global cooperation is the only way we can get our world back on track not only during this pandemic, but for many more years to come. We as a society need to hold those accountable for their lack of willingness to help society, when they surely have the means to do so.

